

#DIESEL: Rashida at the 2013 Fittest Games – Austin, TX.   Photo by Anne Talhelm

A great first week of the 2013 Open.

Great WOD – great energy on Friday and Saturday – lots of great scores. Great.

Team Central sits in 2nd and Team RBG sits in 34th. We need everyone on point and ready to train week in and week out for the next 5 weeks. Remember: We are in this for the long haul ie: Regionals and Games. The Open is only the first stage of 3.

It’s easy to get caught up in “leaderboarding” — that thing you do when you refresh the scoreboard 30 times a day to see where you, your team, everyone else and their teams all line up. Chances are you will be incredulous at some of the scores that show up… Your worries and concerns may or may not have merit. Either way, the best thing to do is: 1) Let go of your ego and 2) Stay focused on the big picture.

Last week, I had some serious heart-to-hearts with several of my athletes. I begged them not to redo the workout. Alas, they did. While I was not initially happy with their decision, I was pleased to see that they did improve and that their scores helped move RBG up in the standings considerably.

My revised stance on “Redos”:

I still disapprove of them.

That being said, I do think that in specific circumstances, they may be beneficial. I believe this to be the case IF:

1) You are an individual athlete who NEEDS (absolutely needs) to redo the workout to ensure your place at Regionals. There are few, if any people that fall into this category.

2) You are a team athlete who screwed the pooch on your workout AND your workout will significantly (significantly) improve your teams score/ranking. This will have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and is reserved for very few people at very definite times.

The case against Redos:

1) They’re bullshit.

2) You will not get the opportunity to redo any workouts at Regionals or the Games. Get your mind right and realize that you get one shot to make your mark. Practice like you will play.

3) Training is hard enough as it is. If you plan on doing every workout twice, your weekly training will most likely suffer. We need our athletes to focus on the BIG PICTURE and be ready to train on Monday morning without having to take off any days *OR* take Monday light as a result of having physically smashed their face into a brick wall all weekend trying to squeeze in a few more reps and mind-f**king themselves into a stupor…

REALITY: Yes, if you do a workout twice or even three times you will most likely improve your score. That is the nature of CrossFit workouts. Back to my point: We need to stay focused on Game Day — not the Open. We should not waste any more time on these WODs than we have to. Get back to your training, dammit. Stop worrying about your individual place on the leaderboard and who did better or worse than you. Get out of your own head and let yourself develop over the next 5 weeks.

A well-written review of the Outlaw Training Camps. Stoked to be a part of this team. 🙂

Damn — I wish I had written this article! A great insight into one of the most elusive of all coaching traits: INTUITION. 

Outlaw Training

Skill/Midline (To be included in the Warmup)

1a) 3X10 Strict T2B- rest 60 sec.
1b) 3XME “Nose & Toes” Handstand Holds – rest 60 sec.

Notes: This is a chest-facing-wall handstand performed with ONLY the nose and toes of the athlete in contact with the wall. A common fault with this movement is placing the hands too far from the wall. Make sure they are no further than 5″ from the wall.


1) 7X1: 3 First Pulls + 1 Hang Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

Notes: The sequence is 3 First Pulls, a 3 second pause at the knees, then a Snatch from the hang position (at the knees). Do not let the BB rest on any portion of the leg before the Hang Snatch.


10 minute ascending round AMRAP of:

3 Hang Clean to Thrusters 135/95#
3 Burpee Box Jumps
3 C2B Pull-ups
6 Hang Clean to Thrusters 135/95#
6 Burpee Box Jumps
6 C2B Pull-ups
9 Hang Clean to Thrusters 135/95#
9 Burpee Box Jumps
9 C2B Pull-ups

CrossFit Jääkarhu is a local community in Austin, Texas that is focused on identifying goals, coaching progress and getting results. If you are interested in learning more about our gym, visit our main website (click here). About CrossFit Jääkarhu Programs Available How to Start

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25 comments on “13.03.11
  1. Randy Atkinson says:

    135 / 135 155 / 165 / 165 / 175f /175

  2. Max says:

    CT Fletcher doesn’t do redos ….. He just IS

  3. Jeff V says:

    BBG – started at 155 works up to 185.
    Conditioning: 87 – butterfly c2b PUs are starting to feel pretty good.

    Matt was on my flight to Dallas. We annoyed his coworker by talking Crossfit the entire time.

  4. Chels says:

    A. Worked up to 115
    B. 100

  5. The Kingpin says:

    A) 135/135/135/145/145/150/150
    B) 74

  6. Reid says:

    A) Worked up to 165
    B) 97

  7. Rafael Rivas says:

    a) 115 – 125
    b) 60 reps

  8. Dru Sellers says:

    BBG: 155/165/165/165/175(f)/175/175(f)

    I let my ego get the better of me here. I really wanted to keep up with Jeff on these and that’s why I have two fails at 175 instead of just staying at 165.

    Conditioning: 62
    I was quite surprised how much lighter the 135# was than I remember it being. I was able to push through with sets of 3. Looking forward to these continuing to be easy/easier. 🙂

  9. Matt Counts says:

    a) worked up to 135 – yes, getting stronger
    b) 66 reps

  10. Feliz says:

    BBG: 75-80
    Conditioning: 32 – decided to try the RX weight-did some sets of 2 and the rest 1 at a time

  11. Alexis says:

    a) Worked up to 90, missed last one
    B) 53 – need to improve C2B

  12. Felt sluggish today. Nice meeting all of you and looking forward to the rest of the week. Def eating a better breakfast tmro.

    Bbg: Whatever Reid did (nice workin with ya brotha)
    61 reps

  13. RB says:

    BBG: Worked up to 95
    Conditioning: 80
    *mistakenly left out the hang on the 1st round or so– just got in a zone doing super fast thrusters, which has never happened before… 95# felt good! 🙂

  14. […] Coach Winchester on “Redos” […]

  15. […] The all mighty “redo”. FYI im the guy hes talking about “mind f***ing themselves into a stupor […]

  16. […] Now if we can just get the rest of the world to do the same… and skip out on the redo workouts.  For more on that check Michael Winchester’s thoughts on Redos. […]

  17. […] have read some aggressive disagreement with the concept of redoing the workouts and the rationale are varied but […]

  18. Nick Blasier says:

    Hey I’m late to this one. 99% agree with your take on the redo, except one more fringe case Pat Sherwood points out in this article. Might be a *handful* of people that could learn from varying strategy in a workout. Even that’s a little bullshit though – experiment on training days, do it right on competition day.


  19. […] Own Purpose – Dawn Fletcher Redos – Michael […]

  20. […] of year – redos. When is it permissible – if ever – to redo an open workout. I recently read a great article by coach wincester about his stance on redos and it pretty much falls in line with my opinion on the issue. Yes I […]

  21. […] Tonight at our gym we tried something pretty cool.  Jason Hoggan could not complete the workout Friday with the rest of the crew so we knew he had to do the workout tonight upon its reveal.  Eric had an awesome idea of setting up a projector and computer for the live reveal of Crossfit’s 13.2 Open workout and letting Jason compete against Lindsay and Annie.  10 of our members decided to join him.  We literally went from having no clue what the workout was to being mid AMRAP within 10 minutes.One of Crossfit’s big principles is being prepared for the “unknown and unknowable.”  AMRAP in 10 minutes of 5 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75), 10 Deadlifts (115/75), and 15 Box Jumps (24/20).  Classic Crossfit Triplet.  They had no prep time, they couldn’t do a workout specific warmup, or strategize for the workout.  Workout was announced and 3-2-1 it was go time.It was pretty cool to see Jason and the rest of our members get ready for whatever was thrown at them… then rock it.Now if we can just get the rest of the world to do the same… and skip out on the redo workouts.  For more on that check Michael Winchester’s thoughts on Redos. […]

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