
First Place. Leave No Doubt. #BlackTide

1) I am proud to announce that Team CrossFit Central took 1st Place at the 2013 RedDirt CrossFit Classic. The team was comprised of 2 men: Jeff Vanlandingham and Reid Reagan – and 2 women: Chelsea Ross and Karen Pierce.

Jeff and Reid have been students of mine for some time now — and have developed more over the past 2 years than I have ever seen two athletes develop. Chelsea – similarly – has made a name for herself on the Regional scene, placing 17th at the 2013 CF Regionals in San Antonio. Karen is a long-time badass, teammate and training partner of mine. She is literally one of the strongest and fittest women that I know.


While it does not surprise me that these four would win (and dominate) the competition, it does make me extremely proud. These four are dedicated and determined to make a mark this year and will all compete for spots on Team CrossFit Central as we head into the 2014 Season.

Look for them in local and national competitions as they continue to improve and show up to throw down.

Happy and proud of you guys. Much love from your Coach.

Adam Hawkins and Joey Bickford (outside) with Team CC.

2) Congratulations are also in order for Adam Hawkins and the boys and girls from 918 CrossFit who placed 5th overall in the team division. Adam wrote me a while back and told me that some of his individuals and team members have been following the blog for some time now. Team Central met them this weekend and said they put up in a big way. Congrats to you guys — keep up the hard work.

3) I believe everyone PR’d their Helen time last week (except for me…:-(). Well-done to all of you. There are days when someone does something really special… Sometimes it comes out of nowhere and sometimes it is expected, but either way it leaves your jaw on the floor. I want to give a HUGE shout-out to Coach Teo Ledesma for hitting the first SUB-7 HELEN I have ever been witness to (or even heard of) in the great state of Texas. 6:44. Boom. Who says you can’t get stronger and fitter at the same time? These days, it seems as if all the “classic” CF WODs are being done faster and faster… A 2-min Diane? A Sub-2 Fran? A 5-minute Jackie?

Teo is pushing the limits… Time for us to catch up.

Week 5 Training 13.08.05

A. Strength

Back Squat

8@65 – 6@75 – 4@85 – 4@90 – E3M

Front Squat

5@70 – 4@80 – 3@85 – 3@90 – E2M

NOTES: Stay on the clock.

B. Skill

EMOM  X 10:

-5 KBS @ 32/24
-4 HSPU @ 45/25 w/AbMat

NOTES: On this piece, I want you to practice the FASTEST & SMOOTHEST transition possible between the swings and the HSPU. Make it your goal to recover as quickly as possible post-HSPU. The HSPU should be done with 1×45 bumper under each hand for men, 1×25 bumper under each hand for women. Bumpers MUST touch both the AbMat and the wall. 

C. Conditioning

3 RFT:
-5 Power Clean @ 185/125
-10 Burpees

-Rest 3 Minutes-

3 RFT:
-5 Shoulder to Overhead @ 185/125
-10 Burpees

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38 comments on “13.08.05
  1. vanlandingbad says:

    Wouldn’t say we were dominate. There was one other team which was stacked with individual regional competitors (Kameron Rosenau, Kristen Rosenau and Brad King – look up there stuff of the leaderboard its impressive). Will spare all the details but they could have easily been on top of the podium had things shook out differently. For example we got the exact same time in a workout with 400 reps (10:19) and by exact same, I mean we were in side-by-side lanes and dropped the bar at the same time. Think Karen is blogging up a storm about it now.

  2. vanlandingbad says:

    Also – damn that lulu camo looks good

  3. Max says:

    A) Done …. Failed @ last FS set; got 2 singles
    B) Done 5/3,3,3,2,1,1,1,1,1,1
    C) 15:35 ….. That was heavy.

  4. Reid says:

    A. Done
    B. Done
    C. 2:36/3:23

  5. A. Done
    B. 5/4/5/4/5/4/5/2/5/2/5/0/3/1/3/1/3/1/3/1 – Deeeeeeeep burn!!!
    C. 10:13

  6. vanlandingbad says:

    Workout at LA Fitness.

    A) Done. Last set only did 370 rather than 380 bc didn’t want to fail with no spotter

    No skill or conditioning. Just did extra strength stuff. Plan to do a track workout after work.

  7. Jason says:

    A) Done
    B) Done
    C) 3:23 / 4:03

  8. Dru Sellers says:

    A) Done – need to stretch out the hips tonight. Getting tight.
    B) 1-6 (5/4) 7 (5/3) 8-10 (5/4)
    C) FML 4:50 / 3 / 6:34 = 14:24

  9. A) HBBS: 265 / 305 / 345 / 365
    FS: 220 / 250 / 270 / 285
    B) Done
    C) 2:22 / 4:49… 10:11 total

  10. Dwest says:

    Back in Houston for rest of Summer (at Bayou City):
    A) Done
    B) Done
    c) 3:20/ 3:59

  11. Leyva says:

    A) Done
    Did extra strength work and rowed 5k.

  12. MarkB says:

    A.HBBS) 205/235/270/285
    A.FS) 160/180/190/200
    B) 4 KBS every round; 4/2/2/2/1/2/1/1/1/1 for HSPU
    C) 5:07/3/5:00 (185# for cleans; 135# for S2O)

  13. vanlandingbad says:

    I maybe on a sexual predator watch list now for searching for nearby high schools.

  14. Jeremy says:

    HBBS: 215/235/255/275/285/305- SKRONG!
    FS: 205/225/245/255
    Skill: scaled down to two HSPU’s from a deficit. Completed, barely.
    Conditioning: WAY harder than I thought it would be. 10:08 Rx

  15. Andrew says:

    HBBS: 205/235/265/285 felt good.

    FS: 185/205/225/235 Also felt good, but need to keep core tight during last reps.

    HSPU’s/KBS: Complete. did russian swings because shoulder was bothering me. not sure why it didnt hurt on HSPU’s thought.

    Conditioning: 3:00/3:00/5:24. Went UB on the push jerk, but still took a while between sets.

  16. Feliz says:

    A) done
    B) 5/4, 2/3, 2/3, 2/4, 2/4, 2/2, 2/1, 0/3, 0/4, 0/4
    C) 4:23,total time 12:59 did this at 95, should have gone for 105

  17. The Kingpin says:

    A) Done
    B) Done
    C) I must have cleared my clock. I’m not sure. I think it was around 13 or 14 total but I don’t remember. scaled to 155 for the second part. Got the first 2 shoulder to overhead sets unbroken, then 3 and 2

  18. JeffT says:

    A. HBBS: 205/235/270/285(2/4) FS: 160/180/190/200
    B) Done
    C) 6:37/3/6:10 (185# for part 1; 155# for part 2)

  19. JoJo Macias says:

    A) Done !
    B) Done
    C) 2:15/ 3 / 6:02.. the second wod got me. Need to work on my press yo!

  20. Teo says:

    A) complete ( Got smoked by 90%) affected me the rest of the workout :/
    B) complete (fastest time 16)
    C1) 3:50
    C2) 4:00

  21. Lizi says:

    A- hbbs: 145/170/190/205 (a little help on the last two reps) 🙂 fs: 135/155/160/170
    B- 10/10 felt good!
    C- 2:40/rest 3/4:50. total time: 10:30 damn.

  22. Matt Counts says:

    A) Done
    B) Done
    C1) 4:03
    C2) not sure, 10 minutes maybe, but I finished and I did it prescribed. YES!!

  23. coachjeffmck says:

    A– heaviest squats felt strong, still rounding up. 330×4 BS and 290×3 FS

    B– All rounds in 22s

    C– 2:55 / 4:10

  24. A) Done. Toasty.
    B) Done. Toasty.
    C) 1:58/ 3:00 /4:38 Total 9:36
    Went after J-Haynes on part uno – the man has a wicked PowerClean. Got me by a two burpees. Nice Job Sir!!

  25. A. Nope. Got MRI on knee today. Results are back. I’ll fill you guys in soon. Good news but have to make sure I stay on top of some stuff.

    B. Hit 5/4 for all 10 rounds.

    C. 3:10 / 4:30. All barbells UB but burpees ate me up!

  26. Chels says:

    A. HBBS 155/180/200/215
    FS 140/160/165/175
    B. Done
    C. 2:39/3:43

  27. the Schrocks says:

    A) Done
    B) Done, went between 2 – 4 reps for each round of hspu
    C) 3:06 / 3:00 / 7:00 = 13:06

    A) Done
    B) Done, could not get my fourth hspu past round 6
    C) 3:38 / 3:00 / 7:03 = 13:41

  28. BS: 185/215/230/255
    FS: 155/180/190/200


    Skill: done


  29. RB says:

    Still rehab’ing my squat… But it’s coming along, slowly but surely.
    A. HBBS: 105/115/130/140
    FS: 125/135/140/150
    B. Got all swings and HSPU’s through round 8… Got off time then dropped down to 2 HSPU’s for last two rounds.
    C. 4:44 (@125#) – rest – 10:24 (@125#)
    Extra practice: Butterfly pull-ups

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2014 Reebok CrossFit Games25 July, 2014

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