
The Newest Texas State Champion: 76 Snatch, 95 Clean & Jerk, 171 Total
The Crew Post-Win

This weekend I had the privilege to coach Jaime S at her very first weightlifting meet (my first as a coach): The Texas State Championship. Needless to say, she left her mark…

Jaime went 2/3 on the Snatch (73, 76x, 76) and 2/3 on the Clean & Jerk (93, 95x, 95) for a total of 171. In her first meet, Jaime qualified for both the American Open and Nationals, won her weight class (best snatch, best clean & jerk and obviously best total), and also came in 3rd Place for best overall female lifter (based on the Sinclair method). Even though she was roughly 8 lbs under her max snatch and about 6 lbs under her max clean and jerk, she now has some very solid meet PRs to work off of as we prepare for her next WL meet.

If I could describe Jaime’s performance this weekend in one word, it would be GUTS. To come back and hit her third lift on both lifts after missing both second lifts takes a superhuman amount of mental and physical strength. I’m extremely proud of her for taking the challenge of lifting at this very big meet and even more proud of her amazing lifts and amazing win. True poise and strength under pressure.

It is no coincidence that she also happens to be one of the most dedicated and consistent women in the program. Her hard work in the gym, recovery practices outside the gym and attention to detail have not gone unrewarded. I can’t remember the last time she missed a training session…

The week leading up to the event I put Jaime on a “mini-taper”. She did all the same lifting and squatting as was programmed, but she took out all CF conditioning. At the end of each session I had her mobilize and finish with a light 1K Row. Coincidentally, the cycle that we are all on peaked on the lifting side of things last week, so the taper led her right up to the meet. She hit some very convincing lifts at 95% on Tuesday, and was moving very well, so I had no concerns. Ironically enough, Jaime has only ever trained as a CrossFitter. She’s never dedicated herself to lifting exclusively. Hmm…

The meet itself was an amazing experience. I arrived at the hotel in Dallas just as she was weighing-in around 5 PM, and the place was already teeming with athletes warming up, spectators taking up space, and lots of CrossFitters generally in everybody else’s way. Even a hotel patron walking by tried to cheer on the women warming up with the misinformed “Nice lift! CrossFit all the way!” (you’ll have to imagine the emphatic fist pump he gave). She had a big crew in attendance for her 26th birthday, and even Jojo and Kelli stopped in and watched on their way back from Colorado.

A great weekend for J Shauger. Now for that next meet… 🙂

Week 29 Training: 14.01.20


A. 3-Position Snatch: 5×1@65 – EMOM


B. Front Squat: 10×2@60 – EMOM



-30 Burpee Over Object
-50′ HS Walk
-300′ Shuttle Run
-50 Alternating Pistols
-300′ Shuttle Run
-50′ HS Walk
-30 Burpee Over Object

Rest 2 Minutes

1 Minute ME Shoulder to Overhead @ 185/125

Amateurs & Masters

5-Minute AMRAP:
-15 Double Unders
-5, 10, 15, 20, 25: Toes to Bar

Rest 3 Minutes

5-Minute AMRAP:
-15 Double Unders
-5, 10, 15, 20, 25: Toes to Bar

Team Members: Complete as an “Individual”

4 Minutes to Hit a “Heavy” (NOT maximal) Strict Press Single

-Then Immediately-

2 rounds AFAP:

-20 Alternating DB Snatch @ 70/50
-20 Toes to Bar
-20 Single-Arm Thrusters @ 50/35

CrossFit Jääkarhu is a local community in Austin, Texas that is focused on identifying goals, coaching progress and getting results. If you are interested in learning more about our gym, visit our main website (click here). About CrossFit Jääkarhu Programs Available How to Start

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20 comments on “14.01.20
  1. Brett Bolus says:

    A) Done. Felt Heavy today
    B) Done
    C) Amateur- Done. Played around with some of the other FG movements after class.

  2. randallgatkinson says:

    A) 160
    B) 210
    C) Amateur – done.

  3. drusellers says:

    A) Felt great, a bit winded
    B) Done
    C) Amateur – 3rds + 18 reps / 3rds (tried the hand grippy things, didn’t work out too well, but may be a good training device)

    Extra: 5 and 4 rep front squat at 225

  4. MarkB says:

    A) 115
    B) 140
    C) Masters – 4 rds / 3rds + 9 T2B

  5. Jeff V says:

    A) 165
    B) 235
    C) Team – only did one round.

  6. mlubke says:

    Jeff and I worked through two rnds (50lb db for both) in 7/6 minutes

  7. jeremykampen says:

    a) 165
    b) 225
    c) pro ran out of time for burpees, 18 gr2oh

  8. Kelly C says:

    A. 65
    B. 85
    C. Amateur – done.

  9. The Kingpin says:

    A) 115
    B) 155
    C) Amateur

  10. A. 75#
    B. 100#
    C. Amateur: Round 1: 96 reps – damn t2b, you are eluding me again…(only got through 1st round and then had to leave for airport)

  11. Chels says:

    A. 90
    B. 125
    C. Press-100 (+5 PR)
    Team wod- 7 something…spent a minute or so searching for a 35 lb db

  12. A. 190 felt solid
    B. 225
    C. gas mask v2 7:04 did an extra 300m on the first shuttle by accident. pistols were alittle sketchy at first. 185 g2oh 14…didnt want it

  13. Jeremy says:

    Came in to work with the 11:30 because I like them and definitely *not* because I was asleep at 6:30. Oops.
    A) 125 felt good
    B) 180
    C) Amateur WOD, in the 20’s both times.
    Feeling really good with high energy. I think this taper is pretty good for me, too.

  14. JeffT says:

    A) 95, wrist issues from Saturday
    B) 160
    What Lubke said.

  15. echopatient says:

    A. 115 with some tight-ass hip flexors
    B. 160
    C. 4 full rounds + 20 T2B / 4 full rounds + 8 T2B

  16. Jason says:

    A) 145
    B) 195
    C) Team @ 7:50 w/ 55 lb DB / 170 lb Press

  17. Soy Leche says:

    A) 120
    B) 155
    C) amateurs
    5 rds + 26 TTb
    4 rds + 16 TTB
    TTB Need work

  18. Alyson says:

    A) 90#
    B) 135#
    C) Rd 1: 4 rds + 13 T2B
    Rd 2: 3 rds, then switched to v-ups to save hands

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