


Pink to make the girls wink 😉

This is why I love Coach’s Eye. If you are a serious coach or athlete and are looking for a tool to help your lifting and movement, I cannot express how valuable this $2 app is.

Last week I was having trouble getting Jason to hit the hang position (in the snatch) with good thoracic extension and scapular retraction. I told him what to do, but that didn’t quite work. Next I showed him what I was looking for by letting him watch me with PVC. But that still didn’t quite hit home. So on his next attempt, I took a quick video of what he looked like in the hang position (top photo, 185#). Then I put him in the position I wanted him in with PVC (bottom photo).

When I showed him the side-by-side, something clicked, and on his next attempt he executed his snatch with great back extension, a tight upper back and hit the lift quite easily.

Some people are auditory learners, some are more visual, while others are more tactile. It is your job as a coach to know how to teach and cue in each of these ways and get your athletes to move the way they are supposed to. If you don’t have Coach’s Eye, you need to get it. Like now.

It’s one more tool to put in your belt that can help both you and your athletes raise the bar to the next level. And if your athletes travel or do any kind of training on their own, it’s a downright necessity.

I know I did not give much of a recap of the Sweat Rx Outlaw Pro Invitational… What can I say? Toronto is a beautiful city with really nice Canucks – they treated us extremely well and competition was the coolest thing at the CanFitPro (Canadian Fitness Professionals) Convention. The field of professional exercisers was littered with Games and Regionals athletes – and Ginger came home with Silver around her neck and $1500 in her pocket. I honestly cannot tell you how proud I am of her for pulling back from 6th place to 2nd over the span of one and one half days and 4 workouts. Simply amazing to witness. Proud of you.

Week 7 Training: 13.08.20


A. 15 minutes to establish a 2-RM Hang Snatch, from just above the knee


B1. 3×3: Snatch 1st Pull – Heavy with perfect positioning and a 3-count hold just above the knee

B2. 3×3: Snatch Grip Push Press – Heavy with a 3-count lockout overhead

B3. 3×1: Triple Broad Jump – AFarAP

Notes: Start a new movement every 90 seconds. On the TBJ: Make all of your jumps “consecutive” – in other words, do not pause and reload for each broad jump. Hit the ground and explode directly into the next jump.


C. With a 3-minute clock:
-Row 500m AFAP
-AMRAP Burpee to Plate in remaining time

Rest 6 Minutes

With a 3-minute clock:
-Row 500m AFAP
-AMRAP Burpee to Plate in remaining time

Notes: Both efforts should be performed at 100%. Record both 500m row splits and number of burpees for each round.

CrossFit Jääkarhu is a local community in Austin, Texas that is focused on identifying goals, coaching progress and getting results. If you are interested in learning more about our gym, visit our main website (click here). About CrossFit Jääkarhu Programs Available How to Start

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36 comments on “13.08.20
  1. […] Less Talk, Do More. […]

  2. Max says:

    A) 155# …… In a bad head-space
    B1) 190#, 190#, 205#
    B2) 135#, 155#, 185#
    B3) Done
    C) 1:38/13, 1:46/12 ……. Damn

  3. Jason says:

    A) 185 — Sloppy
    B1) 225
    B2) 135 / 155 / 185
    B3) 27 / 27.5 / 28
    C) 1:40 + 23 / 1:42 + 24

  4. Leyva says:

    A) 115# (disappointed that I’m not seeing improvement here)
    B1) 185#
    B2) 155#
    B3) Subbed 115# OH Walking Lunge (50 total)
    C) Subbed 24″ Burpee Box Jumps (50 total)
    D) Row 2000m

  5. A) 215 Hang Snatch PR (225 wouldn’t even go up for 1)
    C) 1:40 + 17/1:50 + 12

  6. vanlandingbad says:

    A) 195
    Bs) Done
    C) 1:30 + 22 and 1:40 + 28

  7. Feliz says:

    A) 90 – PR
    B2) 75/80/85
    B3) done
    C) didn’t get the times but got to 13 burpees on both rounds

  8. mlubke says:

    A) 155
    B1) 145, B2) 205
    C) 23, 24

  9. MarkB says:

    A) 155
    B1) 185/185/205
    B2) 135/145/155
    C) 1:46 + 18 and 1:47 + 15

  10. A) 205#
    B1) 225#
    B2) 205 / 215 / 225
    B3) not sure
    C) 1:34 & 23 / 1:41 & 15

  11. Zack Viera says:

    2RM Hang Snatch 125×2 PR

    500m Row 1:48
    20 Burpees

    500m Row 1:55
    18 Burpees

    Overall a good day Thanks Coach Winchester

  12. JeffT says:

    A) 135
    B1) 155/185/205
    B2) 135/145/155
    C) 1:47 + 30 / 1:57 + 26

  13. Dru Sellers says:

    A) 175
    B1) 225
    B2) 135 / 155 / 185
    B3) 28″
    C) 1:45 + 16 — 1:45 + 17

    Whew, my upper back is tight today! Good session today coach!

  14. Jeremy says:

    Many thanks to the 11:30 GGRXers for welcoming me to their class today.
    A) 155 completed, hit several sets of 1 at 185, but couldn’t quite land the second.
    B1) 225
    B2) 185
    B3) Completed, not measured. Just kept trying (and failing) not to lose to The Schrocks!
    C) 1:35+17, 1:44+15

  15. coachjeffmck says:

    A — 165
    B1 — 205
    B2 — 185
    B3 — dunno. Tied Teo
    C — 1:35.5 / 34. 1:49 / 19.

  16. the Schrocks says:

    A) Worked up to 95#
    B1) 105# for all
    B2) 110# for all
    B3) Done (not measured)
    C) 1:48 / 18, 1:51 / 15

    A) completed 165# worked up to 175# failed the second hang snatch
    B1) 185# for all
    B2) 225/185/225
    B3) Done (not measured)
    C) 1:38 / 32, 1:41 / 25

  17. The Kingpin says:

    A) 165 <-I'm really pleased with this and how it felt
    B1) 185
    B2) 165
    B3) something amazing
    C) 1:48 / 22, 1:52 / 18

  18. Teo says:

    A) 175, failed @180
    B) done (broad jumps where fun)
    C) 1:42, 32 burpees, 1:52, 29 burpees

  19. Chels says:

    A. 125×2/130×1 PR!!!
    B1. 130/135/140
    B2. 125/130/135
    B3. Done
    C. 1. 1:53.5/20
    2. 2:02.1/15

  20. Lizi says:

    A- no rep. My snatches are in time-out until I can get my feet right
    B1- 130/135/140
    B2- 125/130/135
    B3- probably close to 33′ or so
    C- 1st rd: 1:47/ 21 burpees
    2nd: 1:50/ 20 burpees

  21. A) 130, feel like I could get more.
    B) donzo, I like broad jumps!
    C) 1:53/15 burpees (didn’t go all out for some reason, my head was playing games with me)
    C2) 1:52 19 burpees, little bit better on this round

    Why hello legs!

  22. A) 205
    B1) 165/175/185
    B2) 205/235/255
    B3) Farther than Teo
    C) 1:38/34 and 1:41/27 face melted

  23. JoJo Macias says:

    B1) 185
    B2) 165
    B3) not far enough according to Winchester
    C) blah with 40 / blah 20 burnt out from the first row. Still working on my crew skills

  24. Jenn Scholl says:

    A. 115
    B1. 130/130/140
    B2. 125/125/125
    B3. Done
    C. 2:03/15 & 2:06/11


  25. A) Got up to 175 today. Knee warmed up well and felt fast. Haven’t gone this heavy in almost 10 weeks.

    B1) 185
    B2) 175
    B3) Knee did not agree with this one… Let’s put it this way: all the girls beat me.

    C) 1:38, 20 – 1:51, 20

  26. david riley says:

    A) 155
    B) done
    C) 1:40 32 burpees
    1:48 25 burpees

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